Master Mariner

By MasterMariner

Murphy's Law

In my cabin is a poster with Murphy's Laws. Twenty-one laws to be precise and one of them says: 'A short cut is the longest distance between two points'. The crewchange of today was apparently disturbed by Murphy. Last week, fog spoiled all the crewchange plans and for this week it was decided to do the crewchange via Norway. Good plan, and everybody agreed. There was only one person not involved: Murphy. Two days ago the weather forecast warned us for violent storm force winds. We picked up all the anchors of the 'Hermod' and towed her to sheltered waters east of the Shetlands. Lots of wind, but not much sea and swell; a perfect shelter. We are cruising up and down along the coast now, waiting for better weather. In the meantime a Norwegian helicopter is flying from Norway to the coast of the Shetlands and back. And of course no fog to be seen.

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