4 hours

5 staff, 12 hobs, umpteen pans, a ton of food...

84 enchiladas, at least 8 large lasagnes, a mountain of chilli (divided into hot for the men, middling for the rest and a 'pot luck - take your chances' on the heat batch).

Prepped, frozen and ready to cook each night next week for the delegation.

It was knackering, but it was fun.

Top left - sneaking up to steal the pot of chilli powder as Fisherking stated that it was his and no-one was having it.

Top right - giving Fisherking a hug when he was getting major flack about washing up.

Bottom left - although it looks like Lisa and I are "high-fiving" each other, I am actually passing a large bottle of olive oil to her.

Bottom right - as we were getting ready to go - Lisa demonstrates that it is possible to eat a chocolate digestive in one go.

Camera worked a treat. 1400 shots over 4 hours which have been generated into a time lapse video - its on my FB page if you want to see it - I have yet to figure out if I can share it - it's great to see the devastation build up and then be cleared away again. 4 hours in 3 minutes and 7 seconds....I think it's quite cool.

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