Imagine the view....

By btc

I love it when a plan comes together (2)..

... Didn't B.A know that every time they went to an airport that they were going to drug him to get on the plane??!!!!

Instincts have paid off again (a) today further guaranteed that it was the right place for me to come (lovely golf course, trying the other one tomorrow, shot 84 hit like a dream still cant putt for shit, lovely couple from Northern island I was paired with, don't know what it is about me and people from N.I, I should move there) (b) knew that new clubs were a great investment (now bow your head in shame all of you, especially you, who thought that it was just an excuse to spend cash)

Another day with the pool to myself, feel a but stiff, if only I could get a massage, what, you will? Lovely, oh yeah, just there..

I'll leave you with another quote about instinct from Michael Burke.."good instincts usually tell you what to do long before your head has figured it out"

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