Skip's Blips

By Skip

A learning experience

The weather today was in sharp contrast to the storm that blew in last night during Michael's ball game (Check out yesterday's blip if you haven't seen it). If I were to write a recipe for a perfect June day, this would have been it. Miraculously the storm didn't damage the peonies that are blooming by our front door, so tonight I decided they would be my blip. Because it was getting late, the light was low, and I had to bring out the tripod...something I rarely do. Just manipulating it (if that's the right word) was a learning experience. First I aimed too high, then too low, then too much to the left....I'm sure you're getting the idea. I was pretty, I was comically clumsy, but it didn't matter because I was hidden away behind some shrubs, and no one could see me. Finally, after at least 25 attempts, I came up with the blip you see here. Whew!!! Maybe next time, it will only take 20 attempts. By the end of the summer, I will be brave enough to take the tripod in public and venture out to the Arboretum to attempt some tack sharp flower photos.

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