
By Nigel


Building myself a http://youtu.be/cXqw0emMPPQ from IKEA. All very painless but will hopefully improve the comfort and posture when I'm sat at the PC thus allowing me to spend more time there, especially as Jen is thoroughly ensconced in her dragon world online gaming and I'm pretty much left to my own devices, which is not the normal gender distribution but times are changing it seems.

Half day from work (woo hoo!) but had to go to the dentist (boo!) but he didn't do any work there and then (woo hoo!) but I had to make two future appointments becaue there is a lot of work to be completed in my mouth (boo!).

Worked my random/shuffle and random/random dilemma from last night so I can move on to equalisation now, which should be very easy as a full demo is included in the SDK.

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