Je suis Rachie

By therachie

She's baaaaaaaaack!

Blip!! I've dingied you for over a week!! I'm sowee! I've missed you though, honest!
Strange old week, had some busy times, some crazy times, some happy times, some not so happy times, and some Irn Bru times, we love the irn bru times, they rock.
Speaking of times, I really need to get my brain in gear with dissertation as the time that i require to have a chapter for is fast approaching and I have a pretty pile of books to get my head stuck into over the weekend, so that should be all kinds of awesome! The picture seems to have rotated itself and aint for moving round the right way, but never mind, you can always turn ur head if u wish to read the titles hahaha. Have some exciting stuff coming up so shall get back to blipping properly :-)

P.S Duracell batteries last longer my great aunt sylvia's silverware (its a family site :-P) Halloween I put new AA's in and they are dying already, grr and my chargerless but pretty camera lol.

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