It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab

The End of the Land

Woweeeee I have had the best day today. It started off with a big swim and surf at Portcurno Beach. The waves were HUGE and I am soooo good at surfing them. I jump over them to get to my ball and then weeeeeeeeeeeeee surf them all the way back to shore! I LOVE it! I will be putting some photos of me surfing on my Facebook soon.

Then after a bit of a snooze we walked from our cottage to Lands End. The coastal path starts behind our cottage and Lands End is only 1 mile away. It feels MUCH longer than a mile because there are a lot of steep up and downs! I had to stay on my lead too because otherwise I might get carried away and jump off a cliff to get to the sea!

We wanted to get to Lands End in time for sunset. It was a BEAUTIFUL sunny afternoon and hardly anyone was around. I did A LOT of posing for photos. Here I am posing at the very end of the land! It was LOVELY there!

Mum took LOADS of photos, it took us a while to get back and was almost dark by then!

Then, for the first time ever, I went to the pub! I have been to the pub before but only in the pub garden. This time I got to go IN to the pub and lie under the table whilst mum and daddy had food and wine! I have to tell you that I LOVE it at the pub..........the things that you get to snuffle up under the tables are YUMMY! Mum rescued a few things from me including a straw, a fork, half a soggy chip and a packet of ketchup *giggle*

I am VERY tired tonight. I hope I sleep better than last night, I kept woofing at all the strange noises last night and waking mum up! Daddy can sleep through anything so mum kept coming down to sort me out!

I CAN'T WAIT for tomorrow!

Bye for now
Lily xxx

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