Having not really had a chance at work all day to take a picture, I threw some old shoes in my macro studio at 11:52. I've never used an umbrella with objects before (just people) so I was amazed to see how easy it is to create really fascinating light.

My shoes, pictured, are no sweats, just over a year old. They've only been worn about six months, though, because they were pretty much falling apart at that point. I do appreciate what no sweat is doing, but they really aren't doing it all that well (sorry!). However, I will buy another pair because I've always loved the style, they're made in a union shop, and even with a six month life-span, they're not that expensive.

I think I may have reached for the no sweats because I'm due to shop for some significantly less satisfying shoes soon...dress shoes to go with the suit I bought yesterday. I will be interviewing for a job soon, and frighteningly that means that I will need to look sharp. Writing a resume/CV, buying new clothes, interviewing for and getting a real job are not things that I particularly want to do, but life goes on and mine needs to get away from my current work situation...

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