surely you can see

By petergarver

I decided to try something new this week. I'm going to do a week of all cameraphone pictures here...maybe longer if I think it's good for me. With a cameraphone, I can't rely on anything other than myself to get an interesting picture - there's no shallow depth of field, no fast or slow shutter speeds, no sharpness, no dynamic range, no exposure control, no changing focal lengths, etc. Of course, I'll never take a picture that's any good, but I wasn't doing that anyway.

So here's the first: a largely failed attempt to capture the great way the light filters in the back door onto these rakes. The bit of door frame at the lower right is the result of having about 75% viewfinder coverage, and the same amount of instant review coverage (the picture shows on the screen as about 4:5, but it's a 3:4 image - the only way I can see the rest is to email it to myself).

So far I'm having fun - the phone doesn't hold much, so I only took about 6 pictures yesterday, and I thought a lot more about each one. I think this was a good idea.

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