It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab

I am VERY VERY tired tonight. I have had SUCH a great day! We went back to Porthcurno Beach this morning as we wanted to walk the coastal path and get to the beach in the next cove. You can only reach this beach by foot so there would be NOBODY there.

I started off with a swim and play on Porthcurno and then we started the climb up the cliff path. We climbed and climbed......and climbed and climbed......and climbed and climbed, it was REEEEAAALLY steep. Mum and daddy were huffing and puffing but I was still raring to go at the top!

I have to stay on the lead though because apparently I "can't be trusted not to do something silly" ???

We admired the view for a while and I looked longingly down at the lovely empty beach. I couldn't wait to get there!

After a bit of a walk along the top we started to make our way down and down.....and down and down......and down and was very rocky and very steep. Mum and daddy were moaning and groaning that their knees hurt but I was still raring to go! you know what??? We ALMOST got to the bottom, after ALOT of clambering, but the last bit was just too dangerous for me. Daddy went on down and explored a bit to see if there was another route but no.... Mum and I had to stay up on the rocks just gazing down to the beautiful deserted beach! Booooooo. I was not a happy dog indeed! Mum was happy, she had had enough of the clambering and wasn't looking forward to the climb back up! So she was sat sunning herself on a rock whilst holding tight to me so I didn't throw myself over the edge!

It took us quite a while to climb back up and we passed a couple of people that were going to try and get down there too. When we looked back they made it....I was most put out, I kept looking back at them but mum said it just wasn't worth the risk of hurting my little legs. I'm not so sure about that???!

After that we went to Mousehole to a pub for lunch. I got lots of fuss from the ladies that work there and did a lot of rolling on my back for a tummy tickle *giggle*

Mousehole was very rocky but I found this HUGE rockpool just for me to swim in! It was GREAT. I had a good swim but it was really slippy to get out. I kept sliding back down the rock and falling in again *giggle* Mum and daddy were really laughing at me and I just stared at them in disgust!

After a little snooze back at home I had my dusk walk on the beach and the waves were HUGE again. They were quite scary, mum was terrified I would go in too far and get swept away. Even though they kept me up the top of the beach I couldn't resist running down to the waves and ignoring mum's chicken holler screams to come here. I think I stressed her out a bit because I had to go back on my lead then. Oooops. Better luck tomorrow!

Bye for now
Lily xxx

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