wish you were here....

By weebidie

A touch of tartan!

Today was our last temple visit of the trip, Banteay Srei, the Women's Citadel. While very small in comparison to the other Angkor Temples visited, it makes up for it in beauty...the detailed carvings and different coloured stone make it much more photogenic (and I had even picked out a shot for photo of the day).

However on the way back we stopped at the sugar palm village and watched them making sugar palm sweets. I had to have a taste of course, it would have been rude not to (hehe) and the sugar fix was extremely welcome! It was there I met this wee laddie wearing tartan trousers. When I admired them and told him they were ' Scottish trousers' he just giggled, oblivious to what I was on about...lol! I even managed to get him to stand still for more than a second so he had to beat the temple shot to become my photo of the day!

And just when we thought it was all over...no more temples...the bus pulls to halt and we all pile out for one last temple photo opportunity. But now it really is all over, the sightseeing is done!

Off to a cultural show tonight, otherwise it's just a day and a half of R&R!

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