Life with The Pinks

By suzypink

3000ft up

Mr Pink has guest blipped today, as I've been at home with the mini pinks and a snotty nose. He went flying this morning, and took the camera with him, and took a few shots from the window one handed...of course concentrating on his flying all the time. This was taken 3000 ft up above Essex somewhere....we aren't sure whereabouts....but somewhere around the Tendring area probably! I love going up above the clouds in aeroplanes, but Mr Pink didn't have to go that far to get above the clouds today, not good visibility at all apparently.

In other news, Miss Pink is still snotty too, but has been playing tea parties and picnics, and had a run around the garden earlier. Master Pink has been busy finding reasons why he should play playstation/on my iphone/on the computer. We settled for garden during sunlight, then marble run, and then playstation when it got dark!

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