Purple Magpie

By PurpleMagpie

Born into the wrong era

The barbecue I went to on Sunday night, an older man left early to go and see Engelbert Humperdink. When he told me I think he expected me to contort my face into a look of puzzlement. As it was I know exactly who Engelbert is and quite surprised him what I knew. I get this a lot, I have an old taste in music. I am happy to listen to many things and my favourite songs are so wide ranging I am not sure what to put to show the diverse nature of it. A lot of it is to do with my dad. HE has been a huge influence.

I have watched the George Harrison documentary and amazing it is to. I adore The Beatles. I know it's a cliche and I don't care. My parents loved them, especially my Dad. I was educated on the wonders of their music. I think I knew Sgt Peppers word for word by age 8.

I took my Dad last year to the childhood homes of John Lennon and Paul McCartney. It ranks in the top five of best days ever. It was special. They showed a few photos in the documentary of the houses. I got all excited and screeched I was there!!!

They showed one photo of the drainpipe at the back of Pauls house. My dad stood there and touched that because they used to shin up and down it. Special times.

Anyway George Harrison wrote some of my favourite Beatles tracks. We sing "something" at chorus. Its always a privilege to be enveloped in the sound of that song in four part harmony.

This picture sits in my hall. Its high up and no-one probably ever notices it. I know it's there though.

George Harrison sounds like an amazing man and his loss is a sad one.

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