Today's Special

By Connections

Feet on the Ground...

...head definitely tilted skyward on this morning's amble with Miss Annie.

It was the blue sky that drew my eye, after the darkness of yesterday, but then the clouds caught my attention. If I hadn't had the dog with me and the ground hadn't been so damp, I might have reverted to my childhood habit of lying on the ground and looking up at such clouds, seeing all sorts of things in their ever-changing shapes.

I liked the vertical version better than the horizontal, even though that shot caught a bird in flight. Converting the image to monochrome reminded me of the many hours I spent in darkrooms over the years, and also is a "thank you" to several blippers I follow who do fantastic monochrome work and constantly inspire me.

(One more image from this walk -- a tranquil view of the stormwater detention pond for our little neighborhood. I sometimes see ducks or a heron there, but not today.)

[Modified right after posting to change the thumbnail -- still learning!]

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