Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

Hawk Eye

I went to the Medievil Day in Dunfermline today (be quick ....... there is another one tomorrow).

The weather was what you could term 'changable' and unfortunatley was a bit overcast (or raining) when the fast moving items were on - like the falconry.

These birds move very quickly (series starts here) and are pretty unpredictable as to where they are going to go. This one had a transmitter on it so that it could be tracked if it went walkabout. It did go and sit on top of the burger van and in a tree to try and get away from the seagulls that were flocking and attacking it for a while.

Another event quite hard to shoot was the jousting (series starts here). I was at the wrong angle for easy focusing - but these things happen.

It was very enjoyable and must hurt despite the armour.

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