Defining Age...

I was talking to Mrs TFP while driving out to a family do today. We were talking about things along the line of appropriate activities for your age.

I consider my late teens as a sort of defining age for me in terms of how the rest of my life thus far has turned out. I don't think I have really inwardly changed since I left school. Obviously I have a little less hair (all right, a lot less) but I think any difference in me as a person since then is really just an evolution of experience but essentially I am the same person.

Thinking about it, I started playing music and skateboarding at the end of high school and my musical tastes are bourne out of the time period as well. These remain the same expect for the advent of time possibly widening their scope.

Maybe different people have different time periods of their life that shaped their personalities, but I believe that I will allways be that 17-18 year old in what ever my body turns out to be.

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