
By notsonormallife

Sad time.

A fortnight ago I blipped about the sad loss of a guy at work called Gary. That at the time was the closest person to me who had ever passed away..

I've been fairly quiet on my blips recently.. This is because I've been struggling to put some things into words.. As I'm not really sure how I feel about the following item.

It was a shock last week when my 2nd cousin sent me a message over Facebook. In the message was details about her mum (My mums cousin, my 2nd aunt as such) who was in hospital after major Liver failure. Today I received a call from my brother to tell me my mum & nan have been called to the hospital as it looks like she won't last the night.

Now she isn't an aunt that I see very often, but she is still family. The only family I've ever lost was my grandad when I was twelve. That didn't really hit me hard as I was still young. I got a feeling my aunts may affect me. I don't know how, as this is the first time a family member has passed.

Also two days ago one of my staff, who I have worked closely with for all of my 9 year career in my job, told me in confidence that she has found a lump in her neck, & went to the doctors to check it out. She is now stressing like mad..

I had planned on writing a blip about how the housing market is affecting me moving, but to be honest there are more important things in life.

Photo is just a random one..

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