Maple on Ice

On a cold, wet and blustery morning I was glad I had thought forward last night and popped this leaf on ice before bed time.

The gig in Dublin last night was excellent but considering the number of club photographers in the capital, the turn out was disappointing. About 50 turned up which was ok but shooters ought to have been breaking the doors down to gain admission. This is a sad reflection on the club scene in my opinion although it doesn't surprise me. Club type pretty pictures were not discussed. Everything on view could best be described as "arty", which is no reason why the more traditional photographers should stay away. In fact it's all the more reason why they should have been there to view and absorb the other side of the fence. Can anyone guess why I have no direct involvement with club life at present?

Anyway, after a drive of an hour we arrived in at 1a.m. and just tumbled into bed, after dropping the leaf into the freezer.

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