Chucking Stones

Cameron was dropped off here at 9.30 this morning. We headed off to my work as I had an e:mail to send and arrived to see a whole room full of home baked and cooked food for our Come Dine with Me for Children in Need. In a way I was glad I had the day off as I would have made myself sick stuffing my face with Missippi Mud Pie, Key Lime Pie, Pecan Pie, Brownies, Peanut Butter and Jelly sarnies, Hot Dogs - and that was only our Country - USA of course. We had to do food from 18 different countries, each department in the Corporate floor had a different country to cook food from.

We picked up Magnus and headed to Kinross to the big park at the side of Loch Leven. Good runs for Breagha while the boys climbed and swung. Later, here, they were chucking stones in the loch but Magnus forgot to let go and the stone just missed me . . . . . We headed home and had some lunch (at 3pm) and a wee trip to the museum then macaroni for tea. It's now 10.40 and they are both in bed - no sleeping as yet. Could be a long night LOL!!

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