We're not alone

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It's true, we're not, we're never alone. We have those who love us. We are surrounded by so much natural beauty, if it's not the creatures, it's the trees & the skies. We have each other too. Sounding too corny here, better stop now!

Beautiful November sunshine - warm sunshine in fact! But not much around the garden for any interesting shots & a little bit breezy for macro, which was a shame, as the light was golden, my favourite light in fact.

The cloud above does look a little 'out of this world' don't you think?

As for one wild friend of mine:

"Evenin' all"

Better day had, I wrote an article for a magazine I write for (will give you the link when published, someone remind me as it's monthly), completed two paintings, managed to be for once happy with any photographs I took, washed & dried the bedclothes, hoovered the entire downstairs & dusted & most importantly my mum had her first proper meal in 10 days without feeling sick AND she came down to watch Strictly Come Dancing. Not a bad day... hope this sets the benchmark for better days to come :)

I hope everyone is having an enjoyable weekend & making the most of this beautiful weather :) xxx

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