
I wasn't quite sure what to choose as my Blip today as I've taken quite a lot of photos and I actually missed the best image of the day.

It's been very misty and my first stop was the trees on the ridge above the main Sheffield/ Huddersfield road on my way to collect the paper. The sun was just emerging at this higher point and this image is one of the first I took though perhaps there's a little too much glare.

This afternoon I returned to Wortley Hall to re-photograph the staircase. M had decided he'd like to include the image in an inter-club competition, but when I looked at it more closely it wasn't sharp. The staff were great at the Hall and very happy for me to take all my camera gear back in with me and I think I've succeeded in getting something a little more acceptable.

As I drove home the sun was shining and the views over the valley perfectly clear until I approached Thurgoland where the tail end of a cloud was just drifting across leaving the village shrouded in a thick mist. This was the shot I missed - I simply couldn't stop the car. By the time I was able to park and walk back the moment had gone!

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