Homemade Bread

This was my first attempt at homemade bread in Thailand. The wonderful smell of it cooking was making me quite excited to taste it. However, my Thai friend was less enthusiastic. The first words out of her mouth, "Why didn't you add chocolate?" "Because it's just plain bread." I explained.

When she saw me tap on the top to see if it was done she said, "It's hard. We can't eat it." Luckily, my thoughts stayed inside my head, and I just smiled, knowing she would taste it and probably have another bite after the first. (And even if she didn't, that just leaves more for the rest of us.)

Living with Thais has taught me not to take things too personally. Many say what they see or think without intending to insult, even though it would be taken as one by western culture. Today was just another example of that. One of my favorite instances, though, was when a Thai friend described a guy from America as a "cute little piggy" because of his roundish shape and chubby, pink cheeks. I advised her not to tell him that.

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