A Collector of Oddities

By MinBannister


This building looks really good when there is a blue sky behind it and I have been meaning to blip it for a while.

I had planned to write up Saturdays adventure yesterday but wasn't feeling very well and just stayed in bed for most of the day instead.

We went down to Croglin in the Lake District hunting vampires. Yes really. The Croglin Vampire is the most famous vampire sighting in the UK which means in reality hardly anyone has heard of it. There is a great deal of confusion over the date - in the link above it is given as early 19th century but 1895 has also been given, as has 17th century. There is also confusion over exactly where the sighting took place as this would also have a bearing on the date. Croglin Low Hall is given as a possibility but since the graveyard is no more, it would only fit with the earliest date. So we went down to look in the local libraries as well as have a look on the ground to see what fits with the story. It is a work in progress and requires more library visits but was well worth while.

We then saw a murmuration of starlings later on. This was amazing. I plan to post a video of it tomorrow.

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