A Collector of Oddities

By MinBannister

A wee leaf

Yesterday I mentioned that I had seen a murmuration of Starlings on Saturday. It was at Gretna Green service station which would not immediately have sprung to mind as a haven of wildflife awesomeness.

Our friend first notice the birds streaming overhead as we sat and ate sandwiches inside and so we rushed out to watch.

Here is a video I made. Sorry about the gossiping and exclamations and so on. The video cannot really capture the sound of the rush of thousands of wings, the smell and constant splatter of Starling poo or ever really be a substitute for seeing this wonder in person.

The flock started out relatively small and other small flocks rushed to join in. The mass became more and more frenzied before finally seething in to the woods to roost, making a great racket as it did so.

Truly wonderous and one of the best things I have ever seen.

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