Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

Wet and miserable

What a horrid, wet, miserable afternoon. The kind of afternoon where I should be lying on a thick rug in front of a real fire - but we haven't got either of those things?!

Instead Ann said we might as well go and do some more of our footpath surveys.

So, I trotted around after Ann in the rain while she was trying to note things down on maps that ended up very soggy, while she tried to take photographs of signposts and waymark posts, and while she tried to make me pose in interesting positions for todays blip.

I'm happy to go for a walk in all weathers but I didn't really like todays walk because it was quite near the railway line again and I don't like the noise the railway line makes.

However, eventually I just sat down so she could blip me with a misty beach in the background.

You can tell I'm not happy though 'cos my ears are back?!

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