horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

One of THOSE Mondays

I'm with Garfield on Mondays...

Turn up for 8.30 meeting, other side seem to think they've ended;
No news on the job front so still in limbo;
Discover tomorrow's 8.30 meeting is on;
Get collared as I leave at 5.10 to do a check on something that it turns out had nothing to do with me and get out at 5.45;
Just. Can't. Get. This. Taiko. Piece. In. My. Head;
Get in to find an eBay buyer not happy with an item I sold and demanding a £75 refund on the price without so much as a please, and launching an official 'case' within hours of sending the original request to make the refund, which I didn't see because I was at work then out at drumming with absolutely no time in between to log in.

The second last point is probably more down to being unable to forget about everything but the drum, as you're supposed to do, instead finding my thoughts mired in, for want of a better phrase, "What the &*$# am I going to do if I lose this job at the end of the year?" The mere thought of starting 2012 unemployed is enough to bring on waves of woe-is-me that are starting to get more difficult to shift. It's the uncertainty actually, if I knew it was ending at the end of the year then I could plan, make contingencies. Sure I could make those contingencies now, and probably should be (hence waiting to find out from a recruitment agent if I've got an interview) but coming up to Christmas (note the Christmas lights in and on Ryan's in the photo, so it must be getting close) is not exactly a great time to be jobhunting.

It all means the little things are niggling, and the big things are catastrophic. Luck? If it wasn't for bad luck I wouldn't have no luck at all. And speaking of Christmas it really means I'm having to scale back on ideas and plans until I know what's happening. Which is all also (naturally) having an effect on Mel, who is presumably wondering why in god's name she married such a one-problem-to-the-next-laden muppet.

Of course I may get in tomorrow and find that they are going to offer me a 6 month extension. Until then I will grump and whinge and complain. And probably sit up till the wee small hours fretting and not achieving much.

Anyway, today I was in a bricks n' mortar n' forms n' lines n' stuff kinda frame of mind:

Port Hamilton a.k.a. I can see my desk from here
Shine a Light

Must also download the Taiko video off my camera and actually practice the piece this week. It might go in. And at the very least means I get to hit things with sticks.

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