horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Hop It

Yes yes yes, two bird blips in a row, so sue me...

Taking advantage of the still-weirdly-favourable-November-weather headed for an early afternoon wander along the sea wall from Musselburgh with Mel. I'd just commented on it having been quiet birdwise when 5 Snow Bunting appeared from behind the wall to pose in the sun. Lovely wee things that I've only seen once before - living up to their name in the snow of Aviemore. I knew they'd been seen around here, nice to spot them.

Checking the lothianbirdnews website on the move for anything else that might be interesting in the area I stumbled across a report of a Mandarin Duck up at Dunsapie Loch. So that bookended the daylight hours nicely (though the fading light did mean my shots of that particular bird were pretty disappointing).

Then later on the sky went on fire...

Meadow Pipit
Beautifully Lit Curlew

Tomorrow = work. Wonder if I'll find out about the job continuing, or be kept hanging on... Tomorrow also = Taiko drumming, so can take it all out on that...

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