'We are what we do.'

By Hasywell

I'm sorry...

Tough and long day today, came home to a bag of doggy destruction! This is Jem saying sorry for munching on the wooden Russian Dolls! Have struggled on my three beautiful things today but here goes:

Three beautiful things
1. Cold hands - tonight's dog walk was the first real crisp winter's evening. Cold hands and clear skies means winter is finally here!(hopefully)

2. Shooting star - with the clear skies the shooting stars are visible and I wasn't disappointed this evening! I love evenings like this when you can get lost amongst the stars!

3. Relief - when you find a document that had been misplaced. Will not need to rewrite it this evening!

One thing to be grateful for:
It's the holidays in three and a half weeks and the pressure will be over! ( for two weeks, at least)

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