My colourful life!

By rainbowtaylor

Busy busy busy!

Well from 06.20 until now, at 23.50 I literally have not stopped! Not even for lunch but did sit down for 20 mins for tea at 21.30!!! Getting ready for work/school, then a busy drama filled day at work, then Beavers where we made bead woggles, then getting my Cub ready to go away tomorrow on a school residential trip for three days. He's never been away from me for more than 24 hours but I have every faith that he will be fine and will have a fantastic experience! In fact I am a bit jealous! I would love to go myself!

My Beaver brought home three badges tonight - his actual Chief Scout Bronze Award as seen in the photo, his IT stage 1 badge and his experiment badge! My Cub brought home a badge too that they did there. We have worked out what we are going to do next!! It really does make for fun times working towards badges as it is usually different from the ordinary!

Results of the egg experiment from last week - water : no change, coke : brown and rough egg shell, coffee : brown outside and inside, white vinegar : no shell left so left with a bigger egg held together by a squishy membrane like a water balloon! Fun!

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