Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

This Buck's For You!

As I was working feverishly in the office this morning, I saw a doe go running past my window so I got up to take a look. Next, along came the buck, in hot pursuit. (In case you didn't know, it's "that" time of year for the deer!) I grabbed the camera and fired off a couple of quick shots before he followed his lady-love into the woods. And, since we will be heading into the city later, I figured I'd blip him now.

There are about 30 finches outside my window as I type this - creating their usual commotion as they gobble down seeds. I've refilled the feeders (yep, all 4,000 of them...) in anticipation of being gone a few days. At the rate they are eating, I'll need to grow my own sunflower seeds next year... haha.

Happy day-before-Thanksgiving!

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