The List

I'm making a list - several actually.

I'm checking it twice - cos you need to tell my boy everything more than once.

I'm going to find out who's naughty or nice - cos I will have my spies out and about.

.........No, not the man in the red suit, but keep singing.

I have learnt several things about myself this last week. Most important is the fact that I am being too good a mother to my children!

They are being fast tracked through a number of domestic appliances and information is being thrown at them every time they are near me, and sometimes when they are not. I have been known to shout up the stairs to them.

I also learnt that I need to stop my heart from racing at the thought of not being near them so much. I had though I was calm about this. I thought I was ready for all their next steps. It would appear not.

So, as well as my girl needing to grow up a lot this year it would seem I have to as well, and perhaps we can drag my boy along with us.

Cryptic? All may be revealed in time, although that depends on my big boy getting his act together too.

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