running commentary

By Stesedthat

going home

If its too dark to take photos of most things you would choose in the daylight then you need to think of things that ARE light enough to photograph in the dark.

Carlisle isnt really that big a place and with sometimes 10 minutes between buses going past, I got very cold waiting for a really interesting shot of the passengers.

Again though, this is all about the learning what works, what doesn't and what is possible. so,

1) 'normal' speeds of say 1/100 sec are useless (at f4) you get nothing
2) manual focus is no good here as you need to track with the moving bus so use AF and servo mode.
3) shoot frames continuously until the bus has gone - the AF will probably still struggle in the poor light so you need to maximise the chances of a sharp(ish) shot.

I know this still looks pretty damn dark but thats got a lot to do with the way I messed about with it afterwards. In the original it was quite bright inside the bus but I tend to go for the gloomy look.

The BW conversion helps to hide some of the inevitable consequences of using the maximum ISO available on this camera

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