running commentary

By Stesedthat

Pound per Blip

You may remember that I made a bit of an occasion of my one year Blip anniversary. So to be honest, as an on/off Blipper until more recently I have no real reason for 'celebrating' my 365th Blip.

However, I did make a little bit of an effort. Couldn't think of anything clever, and little chance of taking any inspiring landscapes or 'catch the moment' street shots as I was quite busy at work until it was then too dark for 'normal' photography. So I took this as a bit of an emergency backup and ended up using it.

The image displayed on my phone is one I (and Snappy) think its my best of the 365. It was taken and Blipped on May 14th this year at Radio One's Big Weekend here in sunny Carlisle.

Ther is no real significance of the cash but I couldnt think of anything else as easy to demonstrate 365 of anything without it being a bit tricky to count.

I do have a great idea for my 400th and I think it may even fall on a day when I am off work for the New Year holiday so plenty of time to plan it and execute the plan on hte day. (I'm wondering if I should backspace delete that last sentence in case it turns out as crappy as the last few days Blips)

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