things that make me go mm

By vixtrix

The beautiful blue....

This is our beautiful Fleurie - the blue Great Dane. Like I said yesterday - she is extraordinarily thick, but so beautiful.

The story behind her name........

When we lost Rosie (our original dane) we were adamant that we could never have another Great Dane. I have had lots of different dogs over the years - but Danes are just a bit, well...'different'. On Rosie's death we found ourselves with this huge Rosie shaped hole and we were properly heart broken. more Danes.

But then...a while later, we mulled it over and realised that we wanted another Great Dane. At the time we still had Laurel and Hardy (Laurel was a miniature dachshund and Hardy was an alsation.......dignity and impudence) and I loved them both - to this day Hardy remains my all time favourite dog - but there was 'something missing'.

So, we thought 'let's get another dane'.

We were sharing a bottle of Fleurie at the time - a rather wonderful beaujolais that is simply my FAVOURITE red wine, I heartily recommend you try it when you get the chance, it is lighter and more tender out of the reds, which can be stonkily heavy - and I have no doubt that the alcohol consumption was a contributor to our decision. But we decided that it was time for another Dane.

She was born on Christmas Day 2006 and we called her Fleurie after that bottle of wine that led us to our decision. Then it seemed only right that Merlot came next. people have said 'ha ha ha - so the next one will be Shiraz or Chardonnay'??

So common. At least I am a drunk with taste!!!!! 3)

She is thick and mardy but beautiful. She has also looked ANCIENT since about 6 months old...bless her. She just went grey early. She is not even 5 years old yet!!

I may make her into gloves when she goes. They would be really rather gorgeous!!

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