things that make me go mm

By vixtrix

A sulking Dane

This is Merlot, our youngest dog. He is 16 months old. He does not like having his picture taken and sulks, the miserable git. He is also waiting for his supper, which adds to the moodiness.

He is our third Great Dane. We still have Fleurie, our blue dane who will be five on Christmas Day. Our first Great Dane was Rosie, who was a harlequin (a giant Dalmation if you will), and we lost her five years ago at the grand age of 11. She was lovely but so stroppy.

Fleurie is also a bit stroppy but very, very thick. Beautiful. But thick!!

Merlot is like Tigger from Winnie the Pooh. He is a lunatic. Beautiful. But a frigging luntic!!

His balls are due to be chopped next year.

We also have a third dog called Poppet, who is a mongrel we rescued from a dog centre. Walking round a dog rescue centre is a heart breaking experience. She has issues. Many issues!!

We are dog people.

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