things that make me go mm

By vixtrix

The totem pole in my garden...

Another thing that makes me go mmmm is my beautiful totem pole, hand carved with a chainsaw by an old and very talented friend, Chainsaw Chris.

Totem poles are really rather magical things. They represent all sorts of different things; some are for welcoming, some tell the story of a clan, some are memorial poles and represent a life that has been lost.

One reason a totem pole can be erected is when a house changes hands, to commemerate the past owner and to welcome and identify the new. I decided to have a totem pole in my garden shortly after my ex left. I wanted to have something special to represent the changes in my life, to commemerate who I had been and welcome who I would soon become.

This year we moved it to a different spot in the garden. It had lived next to a giant bamboo for 9 years and, because the bamboo was not just giant but positively monstrous, the poor totem ended up constantly in the shade. We also felt it should represent the happiness we found with each other. It now gets much more sunlight. I have planted another smaller bamboo near it this time - I am just hoping this one stays small.

Totem poles, contrary to popular belief, are not religeous symbols. But they are spiritual to me. I love looking at my totem pole and remembering. It is nice to remember and reflect from time to time, it makes you appreciate the journey.

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