
By earthdreamer

The Cow and Calf at Dawn

I thought a bit of colour was required today to brighten up this journal a bit! I put an order in last night for a good sunrise and was delivered up a beauty this morning. Having covered many miles in recent weeks, running over the moor grabbing blips, I hope I can be excused the almost zero effort applied to this one, taken from my bedroom balcony just after getting up at 7.30am.

For a good part of the year I don't get to see the sun rise nor set because it all happens behind the moor. And it's been quite a while since I've seen a red sky of any description. I think there have been some decent sunsets, but I've been stuck in the office while those have been going on. Today's display was quite spectacular, filling up a huge area of the sky with these deep oranges and reds. The silhouette of the Cow and Calf is an iconic Ilkley image, and quite a few blips recently have been taken in and around that area. I have it very lucky here.

Trying to overcome my problems with taking pictures of people, where my shots always seem to show the subject in an unnatural self-conscious pose, I've made an investment in a slingshot camera. I think this could be the answer. It's such a brilliant idea. Do take a look. I'm about to head into Leeds to find some dodgy corners where I can indulge in some really gritty street photography. If my blip does not appear tomorrow tonight you can probably summise that I got some great pictures ... and am paying the price!

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