
By EgyptUnveiled

Preparing for a party!

Some of the things you have to adjust to when in Luxor, are the dust, the heat and a myriad of other things. I have never considered myself high maintenance, but there is one thing that I regularly have done here. It doesn't involve going to a Beauty Salon, being pampered, steamed, massaged, plucked and is quite simply, Fatla. The traditional method used in Arabic Countries of removing hair.

A woman is not classed as clean, if she has any hair on her body, so before a lady marries, the 'Sugaring' and 'Fatla' ceremony is carried out by other women family members on the bride to be.

Threading/Fatla is the art of using cotton, entwined between both hands and the teeth! The head goes back and forth, while the hands control the cotton, gently pulling the hair out.

It sounds painful and it is for the very first time! But the effects are so beneficial. The skin looks smooth, even textured, youthful and in the heat here, a breeze can be felt upon the skin, giving an amazing cooling effect.

This is my long time friend Sarwat, that has de-fuzzed me for the last 4 years. He is one of the 'Coiffeurs' in the village here, that cut men's hair and carry on the tradition of the 'Wet' shave.

So suitably hair free, I just have to chose an outfit for the party tomorrow night...

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