
By EgyptUnveiled

That Friday Feeling

Aaagh Friday, a universal feeling. Most are looking forward to Saturday and Sunday, but Friday is our weekend here.

I love the silence of an early Friday morning, only broken by the odd dog barking or the boy selling lemons in the streets....'Aiya Limoon'

The call to prayer starts and a gentle round robin commences, even in the background we can hear them in Luxor. I have a natural urge to go to the roof while this happens, with a cup of tea and just lay back in the sunshine and let the sounds carry me away, it's very therapeutic and is almost feels like a form of meditation for me.

Not much happens on this day every week, but today I popped out on my bike to see George and Aida. They are neighbours in the village of Naja Abu Ramadan. Aida lives alone and tends many animals and poultry including the Christmas Turkey for George!

This is her in her recently renovated garden, with new wall and Jamoosa sunshade.

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