A Collector of Oddities

By MinBannister

The wind

It is seriously windy today and my attempts to photograph leaves blowing in the wind came to naught since I was getting blown about just as much as the leaves were.

I still don't really understand why wind happens but apparently it is when air rushes from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure. The wind will continue to rush until the pressure difference is no more and equilibrium is reached. It is always windier over the sea as there is less resistance over the water. Believe it or not, trees, buildings, hills and so on actually slow the wind down over land. And since land heats up faster than water during the day, there is always an imbalance so that air rushes in from the sea. This is why there is always a freezing gale down at the beach when you thought it would be nice to go in for a swim..

I find the wind quite weird because you can feel it pushing against you but it is invisible. It is one of those "but whhhhyyyy?" questions I still have from when I was a child!

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