A Collector of Oddities

By MinBannister

Apocalypse now?

I couldn't not blip this stormingly stormy sky and sundog which presented itself this lunchtime.

There was sundog activity on both sides of the sun but that didn't happen until after these scary clouds dissipated.

Is the end of the world nigh?

The Rapture Index (which I am sure you will agree is very useful) comes from the number of Signs that are currently occurring such as false Christs (3) , Earthquakes (5), Wild Weather (5) and Kings of the East(3).

The index has actually fallen from a record high of 184 a couple of weeks ago to 181. However this still reads "Fasten your seatbelts!" on the Rapture Ready scale.

I don't know about you but my seatbelt is well and truly fastened!

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