Blaze on Boulders

Great day today andf verrrry late blip.

My mother and I picked my son up in Christchurch this morning and headed for Oamaru where we booked into a motel then headed for Dunedin.

We stopped at Moeraki Boulders and although the tide was too far in for any truly impressive shots I like this one of Blaze (my son) contemplating life on a boulder. These boulders are just incredible. They look like huge balls or dinosaur eggs that have been landed up on the beach by the sea. In reality they've been washed out of the cliffs. There must be 30 or 40 of them and some of them are perfectly round whereas others are more egg shaped.

We went on to Dunedin where we attended the Elton John concert - 3 generations of the family there together which was nice. Brilliant concert, though extremely cold sitting in the open air stadium (and us right on the edge with the full blast of the freezing wind hitting us). None of us had warm enough clothes on as we hadn't realised the new roofed stadium was still open-air. No blip of the concert, or even us at it, as we weren't allowed cameras.

The back to Oamaru to our motel - the Oamaru motel is because, although I booked the concert tickets the day they came on the market, by the time I got around to looking for accommodation everywhere in Dunedin and surrounding district was booked out - because of the conert! Oamaru (90 minutes up the road) was the closest I could get.

Back to drop Blaze in Christchurch in the morning then home to Murchison. Blaze and Mum are now fast asleep and I will be as soon as this has posted.

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