running commentary

By Stesedthat

Of mice and men

The original plan for Saturday went like this

Lie in until about 0830
Lengthy breakfast reading paper and magazines
Walk dog
Go to cross country meeting early to get photographs of youngster racing as I had missed them last time by being a too late
Run senior race myself
Go home for soak in the bath

the plan went out the window. This is what happened
Lied in until 0840 - so far so good
Prepared breakfast/papers etc and was about to begin eating when the phone went. A call to a village some 45 miles away - fella lost his drain rods in drain.
Gulped breakfast down and set off.
Coming off the M6 I stopped for 30 seconds to let Scamp have pee
Successfully retrieved fellas lost rods and collected a hefty fee from him for my trouble - Double time for Saturdays.
Called Mrs Commentary to ask her to look out my running gear and take it to the venue.
Arrived at venue, kiss wife, get changed and warm up for my race.
Win race then rush off to catch local baker shop before they close.
Shop closed!!!!
Luckily they are good girls and I must be a good customer because the y let me in and made me a sandwich.
Gave Mrs C lift to hospital visiting then to supermarket,
Got Blip waiting in van in pouring rain.
Finally home - bath awaits.
Long run arranged for the morning 15 miles.

Have a great weekend Blippers

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