Sleeping arrangements

This is our sleeping arrangement at the moment. Obviously I fill the space next to Charley, but self-portraits are tricky at that distance from a 3GS :0)

Thankyou for all the love and congratulations and best wishes yesterday, I was a little stunned to have made Spotlight by this afternoon! Steve is jealous, he took a beautiful photo of me and Charley ;0)

I'll put a few pics up in a blipfolio once we're home, but this bit of life really is more the journal than the photo. I have been taking "proper" photos but with no way of editting them and getting them online I'm sticking with phone camera pics.

Last night we finally got our three-in-a-row good blood sugar readings, but I was so tired I barely celebrated!

We had an eventful night. C learned the connection between being hungry and having a feed from me (this involved a major screaming fit, and then me getting seriously doped up on sleepy hormone and being sent to bed while C was briefly entertained by the midwives), we got our three-in-a-row good blood sugar readings, and we got some sleep too!

Morning came, and he slept while I had breakfast! Wonderful.

He's done great today. Good feeding, passed his basic paediatric check, thought we were on form to be going home, and then the paediatric registrar came along and basically said........

No, you won't be going home today. Sorry.

I'm rhesus -ve and baby is rhesus +ve and while he was in the womb blood managed to pass the placenta in both directions and basically some of the antibodies that my body produced to "combat" the foreign blood from Charley have managed to get back into Charley's bloodstream causing jaundice.

(This is where journalling is getting tricky because it's tomorrow already and I'm really struggling to remember what happened on what day...)

So he had to have blood taken to be sent off for analysis. Steve got volunteered to accompany him for that one. Charley didn't seem to mind so long as he had daddy's finger (and a couple of drops of glucose!) to suck on and a heat lamp to lie under!!

By evening the registrar was back to see us, with bad news.

Somehow, between the sample being taken, and the porter arriving at macrobiology, the sample vanished into thin air. The registrar was so cross about it, and hugely apologetic to us. Mainly because it's a horrible part of the job having to bleed babies, and he was going to have to do it again.

So blood was taken and C came back almost asleep (strange child already) and not long after Steve helped us get our bit of room sorted out and to help us get ready for bed.

No screaming fits at midnight tonight :-) And the reason for backblipping is because although I started writing well before 11pm I kept nodding off with the phone in my hands! Charley was content just to lie next to me and go to sleep, not needing to feed to drop off but simply to know I was just there protecting him from the big wide world. He is gorgeous.

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