Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Forth Rail Bridge

Had a lovely morning digging in my garden. The walls protected me from the wind and I got about half of the border pulled up. I'll be fighting the raspberries and brambles for the next year though as there were many that I had to just cut through the roots to be able to pull them up.

Late afternoon mum and dad arrived. This visit mum had decided somewhere she'd like to go and something she'd like to blip. We headed out to South Queensferry with our tripods to try some night time shots of the bridges. Pointing the camera at a dark shape it was hard to believe we'd get anything worthwhile. It was a good experience as I'm still getting to grips with the new camera. In the end though I resorted to Dad's as I knew how it worked and I was struggling to remember how to change certain settings on mine

I've also backblipped my holiday

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