Bright Light, Dark Room

By ellies

Hole in the Skyline

I hate days when I have no interesting Blips. I'm only really blipping today because I want to plug my Flickr because I've added more of my holiday snaps.

I have so many things to upload at the moment and am having problems deciding what to include and what not to. Not because I think they're such great pics on the whole (although there are a few I'm proud of), more because I associate them with particular things therefore find them interesting and want to inflict them on the rest of the world! I still have two days' worth of Cumbria pictures, and today I got two more cross-processed films back...

Anyway, the above rather dull pic shows the hole in the skyline where the brewery used to be and where Newcastle's Science City will soon be. I quite like the gap, to be honest. With that gap and the Eldon Square gap, the city is currently feeling so nice and open and like it has such a big sky. Better enjoy it while I can!

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