Bright Light, Dark Room

By ellies


The Longest Day is so far proving to be rather wet and miserable! A little annoying as I had been looking forward to this evening, going to an event in Durham for an exhibition we have been helping out with there, and then on to Jo's Midsummer party in Jarrow. But now I just don't want to have to go out of the house!

It's been a productive-ish day though as I've cleaned the bathroom and the kitchen, and produced the above offering for the party as well as one of my magic chocolate/banana/cardamom loaves - about the only thing I ever bake, but if I can make that why would I ever want to make anything else?!

Oh, and I've added some more of my adventures in cross processing to Flickr (decided to have a break from Cumbria pics). I'm not as excited by them as my first batch, mostly because I thought they were going to come out in reds and yellows and are mostly blue! But I am warming to them. These were taken with Provia 100. I have some Kodak Elitechrome ones to upload as well.

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