Central Park

We were up early today - early enough to be at the shops before they opened! Sadky there was little to tempt me, and once again I have proved what a cheap date I can be.

We popped into St Patrick's Church before checking out of the hotel. What an oasis of calm that was. Later we headed to Central Park. A picnic, from Whole Foods, before we left was another treat. I believe this is the scene used in the film 'Elf'. At least that's what every pedalo and horse drawn carriage was announcing as they passed us. I will need to watch the film to be sure.

A quick visit to Grand Central Station to wonder at it's beauty before heading to the airport.

I hadn't expected to fall for this city but it is beautiful. So much to see and do. So many interesting characters. So many cocktails.

I will be home with a bump tomorrow. Thanks you for looking in and I will catch up as soon as I can.

For now though pity the poor souls beside me in the plane who have to suffer the smells that will undoubtedly eminate from my throbbing feet.

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