Friday Foto

By drmackem

Blip and Run

You blippers will be familiar with this, but today my blip came and found me.
A slightly later start this am, meant I drew the curtains back just before the sun rose and saw this.

Quickly downstairs openned the front door in my dressing gown with the wind providing ventilation to my covered up parts. Point and shoot with the camera. Job done. 2minutes later cloud had come in and things weren't anywhere near as lovely.

One of the many nice things about our home being where it is, is the winter sun rises, which brighten up many a cold morning, today the colours were stunning.

Having blipped, I snuck out for a cheecky run - a nice 10km along to Addingham and back along the valley floor/Dales way - it was lovely and reminded me I really must invest in a more mobile camera for running assisted blips. (my near neighbour earthdreamery is inspiring me to combine these 2 passions)

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