hello again

By admirer


I am the first to awake this morning, see that the sky is blue again and wait till Piet Hein and Mischa to ask them if they also like to go to Neuhaus, to the Tierpark.
They both agree that it is a great idea and off we go.
A drive through the beautiful Solling forest and we are the first to visit the animals.
First the goats, one can buy some food and Mischa feeds them. Then to the wolves, they are on the outlook for food too. Fiercy beasts they are!
We follow the path, see the deers and arrive at the home of the raccoons. A big surprise they are just awake and come through the opening one by one. Five raccoons, big and little ones. Their fruit is brought some time later.
In our garden the raccoons come in the dark and eat what we leave there for them.
During day-time we do not see them.
The boars we see, the moufflons, the lynxes and one squirrel.
Neuhaus is the highest spot in the Solling mountains, the air is there light and crisp.

My haiku:

Prisoner I am
Of compulsion all kinds am I
The sky my limit

And the proverb from Lovelace:

Stone walls do not a prison make,
Nor iron bars a cage....

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